Montessori Inspired Math Lesson
I started preparing working stations for Arya last year. She does not go to school yet. But I still want her to be engaged while waiting for us to return from work. I like to incorporate the Montessori approach with traditional learning method. I usually prepare the stations before going to bed. Sometimes, if I am too tired, I quickly do it in the morning. If you don’t have formal training like me, it is best to do your research ahead of time. There are a lot of really impressive websites to choose from. This week’s theme is Math. I will probably continue to have the same theme next week.
The learning stations have the following instructions:
1. Write the word “count”.
I used scrabble tiles to spell the word count. I have a paper and pencil for her to use.
2. Create a pattern.
I have frozen gummy candies arranged in pattern to give her a sample of how a pattern looks like.
3. Put 2 triangles to make a square.
I used wooden blocks and I added triangles too. I know that Arya will find a way to make a shape out of it.
4. Arrange from longest to shortest.
The article where I got it from suggested to use five cut-out strings. But knowing Arya, I know five strings are not enough. I prepared ten strings.
5. Answer page 26. Color four bells.
Arya is amazed with page numbers in a book. That is why I added this instruction. Notice the cereal container that is used to hold her crayons.
She was excited when she woke up. She started and was almost finished before I left for work. You can try this at home and let me know how it went with your child.
I also used yellow styrofoam trays instead baskets. Baskets are expensive. I have to look for something which is readily available at home.