How to Teach the 7 Continents to Pre-schoolers?
Arya has started her learning stations on the 7 continents last week. I want to keep it light and colorful so she won’t get bored with too much information.
Station 1: Map Showing the 7 continents and 5 major oceans.
I downloaded a copy of the earth’s map. I colored the continents and the oceans. This is Arya’s guide for all the stations. I color coded the continents, so she can easily remember the continents. She calls it her cheat sheet. 🙂
Station 2: Globe and and a Paper Glue Origami of the globe.
We already have a globe and I wanted to have a game that involves throwing the globe like a ball. So, I asked Arya’s dad to make me one. I found the website and he printed the free template. He cut and glue the parts. Arya colored it and I made the finishing touches. We took turns in throwing the globe and observe which part of the globe our hands would touched first. Most of the time, we touched the blue part which is the water part of the globe. This shows that the earth is mostly water.
Station 3: Color, Cut and Glue the Continents in a Blank Map
Arya colored the continents. I helped her cut them because of the shape of the continents. She then glued it to a blank map but the 5 major oceans were labeled. This activity allowed her to remember the location of the continents and used the oceans as markers. I
Station 4: Label the 7 continents and the 5 major oceans
Arya was given a colorful map without labels. Her task was to label the continents and oceans. I wrote the names on a strip of paper. I glued the continents’ names on a green construction paper and the oceans’ names on blue paper. This will help her remember that continents and oceans are different from each other.
Station 5: Continents with their Animals
I drew each continent on a copy paper. I wrote the animal that are found in each continent. Arya will look for these animals from her animal bin and place them on the paper. This will help her remember the animals. It is also tactile because she got to touch the figures of each animal.
Arya enjoyed this lesson. But the biggest factor that helped her complete it was the continent song from this channel.
It was so catchy that she memorized the chorus right away. She requested for her to listen to songs about continents the whole time. It took her an hour to finish the lesson. I plan to continue the lesson this week. I will focus on each continent and give more information. 🙂 I will keep you posted. Thanks for reading.