Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers!
I think we need to salute all fathers for the wonderful job that they have done throughout their lives. They may not be as loud and as fussy as mothers. But their silent presence makes a formidable force to conquer. I always feel that extra protection when my dad is around. He is 73 years old now. He is not as strong as before. But he manages to keep his strength intact no matter the challenges that came his way. My dad has a lot of stories. I would like to write a book about him. Right now, I want to say that I love him dearly and I am a proud to be his daughter.

Arya and JR’s Bond
Arya adores her father. She thinks that he knows everything and he does not make a mistake. He is her go to person in the house. I am so glad that she has developed this bond with him. I want Arya to share the same bond as what I have with my dad. I just know that when a girl has her dad as an anchor, aside from God of course, she will have proper guidance. I want to thank my husband and father of my child, JR for being the best father! I love him and I am grateful for everything that he has done for us.

JR’s Gifts!